Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm not sure what Camden Council are trying to do on our road, but I think it might involve building a moat round our house. There is a big hole to the left of our front door where they are digging up the water pipes, and another big hole on the other side that has something to do with electricity. Every time you leave our house you do so by crossing a sort of blue drawbridge they have erected to ensure I don't slip into either hole, and as you walk sdown it you are greeted by an entourage of Camden Council workers in flourescent jackets. it's quite exciting.

The only other revelation this week is that my mate Nigel The Vegetarian is now, to my surprise, Nigel The Carnivore, having cracked, as so many others before him, at the smell of frying bacon.

The only new cow gags, which I admit are growing a little old-hat, that I have come across this week are:

You have two cows, but they will probably both catch BSE and die.

You have two cows, which you paint blue and cover in polka dots.

Do send me any more, if you have any.

Happy Weekend.


Blogger Buntifer said...

Pratchetism - You have two cows, on the other side of Atuin the meteor pocked gargantuan star turtle there are two bulls, but they will never meet, for on their backs rides a world shapped like a disc.

Matricism - You have two cows, but if you take the blue pill you will disappear down a tunnel in your mind and wake up, only to be given your cows, now made into leatherwear.

Tolkeinism - You have two cows of power, you must take one to Mount Doom in Mordor and throw it into the fiery depths. The other one is a wizard.

Asimovism - You have two cowbots, they cannot injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

11:40 am  
Blogger Kathryn Craven said...

i made some lovely comment before i lost internet access. uh.....oh. you should be glad for having a mote is a great symbol of status...or so they say.

2:46 am  
Blogger Rachel said...

Dan Brownism - You have two cows. There is a secret code within the patterns of their fur that will reveal them both to be descendants of Christ.

10:31 am  
Blogger Buntifer said...

J K Rowlingism - You have two cows, one is a fat bully, the other turnsd out to be the only cow ever to have survived the avracadavra attack by the evil Voldecow.

Miseryism - You have two cows, the first cow is the second cow's biggest fan, and keeps it chained to a bed.

12:10 pm  
Blogger RLS said...

you are getting far too into this...

2:22 pm  
Blogger Buntifer said...

Thespianism - you have two cows, they are both plywood cut outs, but you call them both "darling!" and buy them cards on press night.

Tekkieism - you have two cows, both attached to your belt. One is a back up cow in case the first one breaks. They are both used to fix lights.

Anselmism - you have two cows, they live on the watery world of Aquasilva, oppressed by the Inquisition. Luckily, one of them finds it has magical powers similar, but subtely different to the four elements. They join the underground, but drown as neither can swim.

10:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emo-ism: You have two cows. They don't understand whata complex person you are

Paranoia - you have two cows...looking for you.

6:32 pm  

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