Friday, January 27, 2006

I received two letters today. The first was from Soho, saying thank you for the script, and they would get back to me in a few weeks; the second was from Hampstead, saying thank you for the script, they would get back to me in a few weeks, and could I fill in an Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.

I did fill in an Equal Opportunities Monitoring form. In fact, I have filled in several in the past couple of weeks. I even filled in one for UCL, who emailed me this afternoon saying thank you very much for my application, and could I please pop into the office and sign it before the deadline? I am finding it increasingly hard to fill in these forms at the moment as the only job I really want is the one I have now. If/when I don't get it on 10th Feb I might show a little more enthusiasm.

It hasn't exactly been an eventful week. I have started to dream about visas and work prohibitions etc (I don't get out much). Today I went to the doctor, who diagnosed my two-week headaches as "tension", i.e. I have been formally diagnosed with Hypochondria, and I could have told her that. (Although secretly it's a relief for the sort of person who types their symptoms into Google in order to find out what terrible ailment they're going to die of to be told that actually they're not.) On the upside, I saw a woman this time, and she treated me as what I think the Catholics term "a human person" as opposed to Annabel Chong wandering into the surgery after a particularly busy night. Have a middle aged (and middle class) night in, in a lavender-scented bath bemoaning the fact that no supermarket in North London seems to sell fresh chives, and musing over the fact that, contrary to Ian Blair's outbusrt, I can name more black victims of recent prominent murders than I can white ones. The sad thing is that, one way or another, there should still be a need in 2006 to discuss it at all. Or indeed it's even sadder that anyone is being murdered in the first place.

More bizarrely, Nick Griffin has claimed at his trial today that Islam is "incompatible with British democracy". The BNP leader, of course, being such a bastion of British democracy himself. Git.

The TV is buzzing away in the background, so feel I must just comment what a great endorsement it is for celebrity that the person who won Big Brother isn't one. Or rather she is, because she's been on Big Brother. Which says it all, really.


Blogger Peter D. Williams said...

Hey there Polly!

How are you? Lovely to see you if ever so briefly the other day!

BTW, thanks for giving me an excuse to finally write something else on my blog - the answers to the questions you 'tagged' me with are now up..!

All my love, Grace and peace be with you always,

X + :)

3:29 am  
Blogger RLS said...

Hi Peter!

In case you didn't see it on my blog, I didn't get the King's job :-( though I got some really nice feedback.

Glad to see you blogging again. I've always wanted to go to Lourdes - my grandmother went once and was really moved by it.

I totally forgot about my mum's cooking... also good, and now I am missing home...

Will start checking your blog again now.


8:28 pm  
Blogger Peter D. Williams said...

Hi Polly,


Will have to remember to up-date it every two weeks or so, but no promises, as I'm somewhat swamped at the mo (or I could write less per post... nah).

Sorry to hear about your job, I had read as much on your blog I believe, but I'll pray that the Lord leads to you where He wants you to be - which is where you'll be happiest!

Lots of love and hopefully see you soon,

Grace and peace be with you always,

X + :)

2:58 pm  

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