Tuesday, November 08, 2005

According to this "Which book of the Bible are You" quiz I am the Book of Romans. Unsurprisingly this is not a hugely welcome piece of information on a week when I have had a killer migraine and a half-cut acquaintance coming on to me whilst extolling the virtues of the Labour Party. Jeremiah would have been my preferred outcome; maybe even 1 John; or even Revelation, for a laugh. But the product of an uptight, authoritarian know-all who thinks gossipping is a sin?

On the up side, I got a nice letter from Soho this week telling me they didn't want me play, but it was nevertheless "endearing and intimate" - nice because here was I thinking the variation on a theme "boy meets girl, boy becomes vicar" wouldn't catch on. The letter then proceeded to tell me what my play was about, which was not any great revelation to me, then tell me who my characters are ("your characters - the Northern working class boy and the middle class girl from Bristol...") They then invited me to attend a workshop I have already attended and rashly told me I was welcome to send in more work. So I have sent them "Hell and High Tide" - If Graffiti didn't put them off, that probably will.

Julie Burchill pisses me off. She presented some whiney rant about chavs the other day, the gist of which was we are all classist because we take the piss out of chavs, and that derogatory terms like chav are restricted to the working class. Such other terms as luvvies, Sloanes, Nimbys and Yuppies were pointed out to her, but apparently we can take the piss out of these social stereotypes because they have money, and anyway, they ask for it. So there you go. If you are a wanker and rich, you've got in coming. If you are a wanker and poor then you are simply the unfortunate and inevitable product of an elitist, post-Thatcherite society. Your hoodie-wearing, monosyllabic expolits are thus no fault of your own.

I would like to point out that my post-Thatcherite self does not wear a hoodie and can manage sentences with more than one word, and on a good day, sentences with words of three plus syllables! And my post-Thatcherite cousins are the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think since they have banned hunting it should be made legal to hunt chavs.

9:06 am  
Blogger RLS said...

Maybe, but for the sake of Equal Rights can we hunt yuppies as well?

I heard a great quote from someone who went hunting that fulfilled every stereotype imaginable: "The great thing about hunting is you meet people from all walks of life: lawyers, doctors, Lords, the lot."

9:15 am  
Blogger Peter D. Williams said...

YOU are the Book of Romans???

Surely not...

Pax tecum,

The Cavalier

9:32 pm  
Blogger RLS said...

Yeah. I don't think there were many to choose from. I think you can be Psalms, Job, Romans or Leviticus. What did you come out as?


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