Sunday, March 12, 2006

Good Night, and Good Luck

Rant #2 of the week concerns ULU. It's the ULU elections this week, and, fortunately, after they extended the nominations period, people actually stood for the positions so there's even a choice of people to elect. The elections have been outsourced to the Electoral Reform Society, for reasons best known to the ULU Powers That Be, no doubt at vast expense which they cannot afford. Voting is all online - you are emailed a password if you get a ULU card, and then you can vote. My rant?

1. I can't vote as I never received a password. This in itself annoyed me as a lot of others will probably not have received passwords so will either be blissfully oblivious that the elections are even happening, or will know they are happening but can't be arsed to chase it up.
2. As I can be arsed, I emailed ULU. They said my card "wasn't registered on the system" so I can't be issued with a password. Now, first of all, I am a student, and a full member of ULU, so in denying me a vote they are actually in breach of the 1994 Education Act. And regardless, if my card isn't registered, then how have I been obtaining student-rate gym membership on it since October? Either I am ripping off ULU in using their gym at cut-rate, so they screwed up.
3. All UCL students recently received an email, whether or not they had a ULU card, giving them a password and allowing them to therefore vote in the ULU elections automatically. So different rules apply to UCL students and Heythrop students, who have student cards yet have to (along with everyone else bar UCL and, apparently, Iimperial) obtain a second card from ULU in order to vote. The card must be registered with ULU, therefore if you didn't get one at Freshers your only option is to traipse up to Malet Street from South Ken or wherever to get one and hope that your details get onto "the system". Basically, "All voters are equal, but some are more equal than others."
4. Nice though it is for UCL students to be able to vote, though I don't expect many will bother, whoever passed on their details to the Electoral Reform Society is in breach of the Data Protection Act. Apparently the decision to do so was taken by the UCL Union Executive Committee, and details had been passed on for election purposes only. However, the UCL Union Executive Committee does not own the personal data (email addresses, names etc) of every individual at UCL and as such it is illegal for them to pass these to a third party without permission.

I would raise it at the next ULU Council; unfortunately this isn't until May, and if it's like the last two, nobody will bother to turnm up, so it won't happen anyway.

Going back to the film in the title, The film is short anyway - we were in and out in two hours including adverts - and huge sections of it are made up of McCarthy speeches and interspersed with a (pretty good) Jazz soundtrack, so I'm not sure how much of it was actually original dialogue - I don't think it can have been more than 40 minutes at the most. Now, the timing of the film's creation and release are clearly intended to make the parallels between McCarthy and our current situation blindingly obvious that the whole thing is almost one big, in-your-face cliche, but, fortunately, it's quite a good one, and anyway, it has George Clooney in it, and I would certainly recommend seeing it if you have a spare couple of hours. It does somewhat imply that at the time CBS was standing alone against McCarthyism, when, actually, intellectuals and artists, from New York Times journalists to Arthur Miller writing "The Crucible" were taking the witch hunts and running with them, but the fact remains the people who should have been doing something about it were either not bothering or had already been branded as Communists, and, it's true, the programme's actions were courageous, or political suicide, depending on how you look at it. Either way, there was an irony that while America was espousing the view that Russia and China were evil in the way that they were denying freedom of speech, political opinion, and denouncing anybody who didn't agree with them, America was, in fact, denying freedom of speech, freedom of political beliefs, and publicly denouncing anyone with even the most tenuous link to Communism (and often no proven link at all); it's just that America didn't have gulags.

Now, of course, it's doing quite a lot of that again, even to the extent of keeping tabs on what their citizens check out of libraries, but this time it has Guantanamo Bay.

On a somewhat random note, one of my Christian Ethicist Mates (doesn't that make us sound trendy?) has some sort of connection with a new initiative called Pray-as-you-go, which sounded suspiciously evangelical but, I was pleasantly surprised to find out, is actually the work of the Jesuits, who seem to be "getting down with the kids" now that even the Pope has an iPod. The general idea is that you download a prayer a day onto your iPod and listen to it on your way to work. As I have set aside my daily commute to indulge in such deep and meaningful stuff as The Clash and The Kaiser Chiefs, I'm afraid I have been unable to make room on my MP3 player for Celtic music and a Jesuit homily, but you can listen online as well, and for eight minutes a day, if you're looking for something Lenty to do, check it out and let me know what you think so I can pass it on to Ang.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there blog owner! I am searching blogs to find information and sources to help with my website: My site is fairly new about 8 months old and have a google pr of 3 and get about 50 people a day to visit. My site has yoga poses with a twist and is all affiliate merchandise.
I have been in MLM companys for the past 8 years offline mainly and have never made a dime. This is a new frontier for my wife and I and don't have very much experience but a friend suggested searching blogs to get ideas about how people sale and also what kind of information they offer their customers and clients. We are begining to make some good money selling yoga poses with a twist related articles but I also want to offer my customers some quality information to go along with good deals. If you make it to my site and can offer some constructive critisizm I will take it into consideration or if you have some ideas it will be greatly appreciated. Remember we are on a budget and we do all the work ourselves.

Thank you for your time.
Prosperous Regards,
yoga poses with a twist

11:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you get a pray as you go contract where you get free text prayers delivered to heaven?

9:05 am  
Blogger Tim Roll-Pickering said...

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6:58 pm  
Blogger Tim Roll-Pickering said...

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7:00 pm  
Blogger Tim Roll-Pickering said...

The elections have been outsourced to the Electoral Reform Society, for reasons best known to the ULU Powers That Be, no doubt at vast expense which they cannot afford.

I presume because ERS actually know a thing or two about how to run an election. A pity assembling the register couldn't be passed to them!

2. As I can be arsed, I emailed ULU. They said my card "wasn't registered on the system" so I can't be issued with a password. Now, first of all, I am a student, and a full member of ULU, so in denying me a vote they are actually in breach of the 1994 Education Act.

Indeed. I made this very point when forcing the issue to obtain my password. Try responding stressing this point, and CCing the Returning Officer, and demanding your legal entitled right.

And regardless, if my card isn't registered, then how have I been obtaining student-rate gym membership on it since October? Either I am ripping off ULU in using their gym at cut-rate, so they screwed up.

This is ULU's screw-up so the case is even more clearcut - you have done more than is reasonable to ensure you vote and they have screwed up so if they can't give you a password then they must allow you to cast it by another means. Email them back and stress these points.

I've no idea as to who has passed what data to whom, but I was under the impression that an organisation is entitled to outsource its elections within the terms of Data Protection. But it would be nice if the Returning Officer could address these points at a future ULU Council.

Now I want to know why blogger can't handle links in comments!

7:01 pm  
Blogger Peter D. Williams said...

Hey there Polly,

Ah, I've been spoiled methinks - I got to hear the rant 'live' in today's Chaplaincy!

It was really lovely chatting to you today, so do come as often as you can! - BTW, I'm so daft, though I'd been meaning to when I saw you, I forgot to finally give you my number today! Again! Doh...

Never mind... I'll try to get 'your Catholic' to text it to you, that might make sense.

Anyway, hope you had a lovely free day!

All my love, Grace and Peace be with you always,

X + :)

12:47 am  
Blogger RLS said...

Hi Peter,

Yes, do ask Julie for my number. I have been meaning to get yours for ages!

"Rant Live in Today's Chaplaincy" makes "Chaplaincy" sound a bit like a daytime TV show...

Nice talking to you too. Hope the essays go ok.

Polly x

9:23 am  

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