Sunday, April 30, 2006

1000 Seconds Long

I have no sympathy for Tracy Temple. This is the woman who claims she sold her story to the Daily Mail "to get her side of the story heard." So, it had nothing to do with the "six-figure sum" they paid you, then? Apparently she has "had to live with the lies and the misinformation that was actually written about me, causing damage to my reputation and possibly my future career". There was an easy way to avoid all that, Flower: don't commit adultery in the first place.

Silly bint.

On the recommendation of someone whose blog I play on occasionally, I went to HMV the other day and bought the Secret Machines album "Ten Silver Drops". I am aware that buying music on the basis of recommendations from people I've only ever met over the internet doesn't bode well for my bank balance (incidentally, I have since discovered that it's two quid cheaper in Fopp, so if you're going to take the recommendation of this person you've only ever met over the internet, I suggest getting it there.) As a fellow blogger pointed out, it doesn't bode well for my social life either.

It's a good album. Slightly Eels-esque with a hint of Michael Stipe here and there. The first song in particular - aside from its rather fine title "Alone, Jealous and Stoned" is especially good, and puts you in the mood for what follows.

Nothing much to report for the rest of the week, really. First New Year's Reolution has gone somewhat tits-up with rejections from Granta and Soho on the same day; the second has gone rather better, with me clocking up 30 lengths of the pool yesterday, walking into work daily and doing yoga on Tuesdays. Today I seem to be inadvertantly focussing my attentions on being as middle-class as possible, having eaten lunch from Fresh and Wild, made a pot of Earl Grey Tea (NB POT, not cup - I do these things properly) and am about to go running on Primrose Hill.

Many thanks, by the way, to Tim R-P who has proved himself to be the only person who actually reads this blog/has any money/actually likes me (or a combination of all three) and has sponsored me a generous tenner for my foray into middle-distance running. Cheers!


Blogger Buntifer said...

I read your blog, I'm just always skint.

9:26 am  
Blogger RLS said...

That's ok, I forgive you :-)

9:44 am  
Blogger Rachel said...

And I'm just cheap

3:10 pm  
Blogger RLS said...


You guys are trying to buy a house and therefore are not in my line of fire.

3:36 pm  

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